International Patients

Sagar Brain & Spine Institute is equipped with world-class infrastructure and state-of-the-art technologies to offer revolutionary medical care in neurosciences that is easily comparable to those offered in the developed nations. Our team of internationally acclaimed doctors have been treating patients from across greater Africa, US, Middle East, South East Asia and Europe.

If you have been given a hospitalization date, we encourage you to pre-register with us as early as possible to ensure admission without any delay. Pre-registration can be done in person at our 24hour Admissions Desk located in the hospital lobby. Our team of qualified individuals will coordinate with you and/ or a member of your family and/ or your official representative to provide solutions that fit your medical, personal and cultural needs including language interpretation, cuisine and entertainment.

Billing and Financial Services

All international patients are required to make a deposit of initial stated treatment charges prior to their first appointment/ or hospital admission. If any additional treatment/ tests/ services are instructed either by the treating physician or the patient, an estimate of the proposed services can be obtained from your designated patient care coordinator or billing department.

All miscellaneous charges including extra treatment and other services are entered as a daily record. You are expected to pay your account in full at the end of your visit. Should you have any questions regarding charges, payments, refunds, etc., please feel free to ask your patient care coordinator. If you have health insurance, we will coordinate with your insurance company, if you prefer. Else, we will hand over the form to you for you to complete all formalities of claim. Essential Financial Policies Team at Sagar Hospitals believes in establishing good relationship with all patients.

  • Sagar Hospitals accepts professional payments due in the form of cash, demand draft, foreign currency (Dollar, Euro, Pound), or debit/ credit card. You are responsible to pay your charges on time irrespective of insurance coverage in your home country or otherwise. You will be given the receipt for all payments.
  • We cannot accept the responsibility for collecting an insurance claim for international patients. We can only assist in filling up the claim form provided you give us correct information and keep us updated on any account related changes.
  • We collect receivables from all in-patients at regular intervals, so as to avoid discontinuity in treatment/ services.

The patient care staff will be able to assist you with the following services:

  • Interpretation services
  • Courtesy phone for local calls
  • Travel desk for rental car and airline reservations
  • Hotels and service apartments information and reservation
  • Local Tours and shopping